County Fairs Your Autumn Escape

Updated October 2021.
The old fall fair is back for 2021. Due to Covid -19 restriction in different parts of the Province, it is advisable that you contact the event that you intend on enjoying prior to leaving the comfort of your home. Follow the links below to allow for ease of navigation.
Have a slice of pie, say hello to the livestock and don’t forget to visit the many crafts area.
Thank you and enjoy
Now that the summer has slowly begun to transform into the autumn months. It is not time to say goodbye but to say hello to the bounty of agricultural fairs or county fairs that occur in Southern Ontario and vicinity. Over the years, we have been to many. Here you will notice differences and similarities. In Simcoe county, they may farm and showcase different products than in Caledon. This past weekend we decided to revisit one of our favourite provincial fairs in beautiful Erin, Ontario.
You too Can Escape to the Country
Just northwest of Toronto, Ontario. Like the British TV show’s title. We have to “Escape to the country” and visit the beautiful countryside, the fresh air and most importantly leave the city for the day. Erin is ideal because of the moderate driving distance, no more than 90 minutes. Within an hour and a half, we have left the pollution and millions of people behind. So join us as we explore the Erin Fair.
Our Relationship with a county fairs
As city dwellers, we often take for granted the commitment and hard work that our rural neighbours encounter so that we may get a delicious meal each day. It is with good reason that these industrious people celebrate this annually. From the wide selection of vegetation that is respected and coveted. The rearing of livestock and how they are cared for and dare I say it harvested to allow most of us to enjoy our daily meals. Here you begin to understand the connection between the land and the creatures that aid in man’s survival. Without these educational opportunities, we would cease to respect what is entailed in this very delicate cycle of life.
Bring Your Wallet, please
Country fairs also give us the chance to explore the arts and crafts that vendors come to sell. These artisans are very talented and showcased some very unique items that can not be found on Amazon. From beautiful leather crafts and hand-tooled jewelry to the preservatives and sauces that are a hallmark of these experiences. Did someone say fudge? The County fair is a treasure trove of items for the unexpected.
Can you smell that?
Here at Erin, they took a great deal of time to showcase some of the tools that make a rural life just that. From the tractor exhibits to the Heavy horses pull contest. The barns are teeming with animals, some for exhibition, while others are trying to win the coveted “blue ribbon.” Although I don’t think the chickens, cows or goats really care much for this activity, it is a great deal of fun for both participants (human) and spectator alike. There is something for everyone, both young and old. What celebration would be complete without a midway and carny huxters for the younger people and a beer garden for the young at heart?
Worked up an Appetite
No fair is completed without its innumerable amount of food vendors. Many are exhibiting their own twist on old favourites such as the Greek Poutine-using feta instead of cheese curd. I have to admit it sounded odd but tasted fantastic. A delightful twist on what should be the national food of Canada- that is just my opinion. If that is too daring as it may be for some, the food vendors also have some more recognizable fares such as the “Beavertail.” A beavertail shaped pastry laden with any sweet ingredient that you can think of, the most popular is Maple Syrup- this is Canada. Not to be outdone, the ever-popular Tim Hortons is always a Canadian favourite. I guarantee that there is something here for even the most challenging palettes
A Time for Celebration
The fair is more than a location for selling, learning and eating. But if that were all it was meant to be, I would say that would be enough. The Erin fair is a time for the community to showcase the hard work. To celebrate the bounty and the people that make events like this purposeful. While the winter months are on the horizon, this is a time to thank and be thanked. Although many will tell you that it’s a land that is the real “star” here and that the land worker is only the purveyor of this opportunity. Just a quick note of caution, the autumn months can blow in with some precarious weather, so you may want to check your local weather report and bring gloves if necessary.
Take your Time
If you have never been, I would suggest that you take a ride out to your local fair. Most can be found within an hour of where you are, and many occur all throughout the province during the autumnal months. We decided on Erin this time, and I know we made the right decision. A community-based environment with an old country welcome. Next year who knows. The most important thing is to explore your local county fairs and open your eyes to the complete picture.
If you have been to Erin or any of the county fairs in the surrounding rural events, please let us know in the comments area below. I know for sure that as the winter months begin to drag, I will often come back to my fond Erin county fair memories.
Until next time.
Your Vacation, Your Escape
Honestly I don't think it is....
Is the cabbage town boxing club...